
Saturday, August 8, 2015

let be more interactive, and our time in California

So my son and I have been in California for about 5 days now, and the time is going by so fast! It makes me so sad, I don't want to go back to Florida! It's crazy because I feel like even though I have a life and family and everything in Florida, California is always home. I always feel the most home here. It's just so beautiful and I love the weather, all of my friends are here. Unfortunately I don't have too many friends in Florida, I have one best friend there Adrienne, and that's it. Well other than my husband of course. Wednesday we are leaving for camping and I am so incredibly excited you have no idea! When I get back you will get to see all of the reviews I've been wanting to share with you but have been waiting to surprise you and the companies with the beautiful scenery of the photos. But I promise you that these are some good ones. And I have a few waiting for me at home as well. I know that one of them all of you mommies are going to LOVE! I'll give you a hint: you can order it monthly. 😊😊 I won't say any more than that for the ones waiting for me at home. Tomorrow I am going to write a review for something that I now believe every single breastfeeding mom that pumps needs to own that is completely affordable. So stay tuned for that tomorrow. Besides that, today we were with our family friends for a going away to college party for their son. It was nice to have everyone together but it also makes me extremely sad, because I know in about a week and a half I'll be back home again and I'll be alone with my little family. I'm already missing California and i haven't left yet. Other than that I want you all to remember if you have any questions you want answered, like if you want advice about something, please ask in the comments. You can do it anonymously or as yourself and I will answer. I would love to be more interactive with my readers so please post some comments for me. I'll give you all a little sneak peek at one of my reviews, it isn't a professional photo like usual, but let's see if any of you can name this company.

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